artist statement

I mainly make wheel thrown porcelain tableware, decorated with slip inlay. It is important for me that my pots are used so the majority of what I make is functional. The table and those that sit around it are focal points in my finished work; to enable the opportunity for conversation, exchanging of ideas, knowledge and points of view. The holding and passing pots as well as their setting and position within a collection of other pots are all considerations.

I use line to pick out a rim, focus the eye on a specific area or to throw off the balance of a form. The use of line has become a tool to reflect feelings observed in my surroundings and in my own way tell my story of what I see in the world around me. 


Craft, the skill it demands and my appreciation for it, has always been present in my life. It is a permanently existing truth in my family and a necessity for us all. It is integrity, expression, purpose and belonging. We are timber framers, restorers, upholsterers, seamstresses and bakers. And also, a potter.

My first job was as a stewardess on a private yacht back in 2000. After catching the sailing bug (spending a month crossing the Atlantic on a Dutch tall ship bound for Bermuda) I spent the next few years hopping the Atlantic and chasing the sun. On arrival back to firm ground, I subsequently worked on restoration projects, both listed houses and old barns, done a fair share of timber framing and roofing, ran my own homeware business and been the director of an incredible start up, Mozzo Coffee, for six years. Feeling lost without a creative outlet, I left my career to start a 2 year Foundation Diploma in Art and Design. In 2016 I graduated from West Dean College.


Studio Assistant - Julian Stair
Nov 2016 - Present

Artist in Residence - West Dean College
July / August 2018

Studio Assistant - Chris Keenan and Carina Ciscato
Jan 2015 - Dec 2016

Foundation Diploma in Art and Design - West Dean College
2014 - 2016


Purchase my work at:

Cambridge Contemporary Art